Retail has been one of the hardest-hit industries throughout the pandemic, and retailers have been challenged to make informed decisions about their CX strategy. Some brands have been able to adapt, but many are struggling to stay afloat.

Customer centricity is a systemic stabiliser that protects brands from instability and delivers an astonishing ROI:

The difference in spend between average retailers and truly customer-centric retailers is worth $3.4 trillion for the sector.

CX+ combines a pre-pandemic state-of-retail understanding with emerging industry trends and customer needs to help you better anticipate customer experience needs and inform future CX investments.

How does you brand measure up when it comes to CX? CX+ identifies the top ranking retail brands – and how to learn from them.

CX+ 2020 Retail Global Ranking

These are the CX+ 2020 top-ranked brands, across fashion, grocery and general retail.

Local brands dominate the ranking, and top brands display strength across the board with no areas of weakness.

Uncover the CX secrets of the retail sector

CX+ 2020 retail analysis discovered that fewer than 1 in 5 customers feel that retailers are truly customer-centric.

CX+ 2020 shows that brands that delight customers are 2.7 times more likely to be recommended than brands that create ‘average’ emotion. And brands that delight engender loyalty, with 9 out of 10 people saying they will continue to use those brands in the future.

2.7x more recommendations
90% will be loyal when you delight them
CX Retail
Webinar: Discover the CX retail secrets hidden in plain sight
Uncover new insights about different retail sectors from our CX+ 2020 study and gain an understanding of the new customer landscape in COVID-19 times and into recovery.

Please get in touch to speak to one of our experts about CX+.

This is just the start of how we can help you navigate the challenges facing the retail sector. We have 40 more CX+ case studies for the top ranking retail brands, with important learnings related to COVID-19, and more diagnostics and insights from fashion, grocery and general retail. Get in touch if you want to find out more.