Identifying growth opportunities in a changing beer market

Man sitting in pub window
We found some innovation opportunities for a leading beer brand, and the resulting product line smashed sales targets.
50+% sales in excess of target


A leader in imported beer wanted to explore opportunities within the quickly growing segment of lighter, more drinkable products, to address slowing sales and profit growth of more traditional products.


We used Matrix, our systematic approach to identifying and prioritising innovation opportunities, to evaluate the landscape of over 50 beers, investigate consumers’ ideal needs and underlying tensions, and reveal the real potential from different drinking occasions.


We identified a major gap in the largest need segment for beer, where brand value, product value and satisfying drinkability intersect. Covering this unmet need would appeal to underdeveloped customers, thus driving incremental growth and enhancing brand equity.


The insight guided our client in developing an entire business plan around the opportunity identified, and the resulting product launch exceeded sales goals by more than 50 per cent.

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